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Organizaciones » Type d'organisation » Accélérateur / Incubateur 65


Cámara de Mujeres Emprendedoras de Bolivia

Caracas Valley

Business alliance committed to the development of the economy in Venezuela.

Clubes de Ciencia Bolivia

We inspire the next generation of Bolivian scientists and entrepreneurs.

Clubes de Innovación y Emprendimiento

Contribute to the training of empowered, committed and competent people.

Cube Ventures

Democratizando Oportunidades, materializando ideas, creando impacto


Development of Entrepreneurs AC


Incubator of social enterprises


Incubator and accelerator of enterprises in Venezuela.


Fortalecer ecosistemas de empresas sociales

Emprender Futuro

Aimed at fostering the areas of technology, education and entrepreneurship

Enture Smart Business

We accelerate the growth of companies.

Fundación GEN E

We are triple impact

Fundación Solydes

We develop innovative systems for sustainable development